Anton Akusok, PhD


Anton Akusok received a B.Sc. degree in Information Technology from Moscow State Mining University in Russia, and then continued his education in the Aalto University in Finland from where he graduated as a M.Sc. in Technology with a major in Machine Learning and Neural Networks. He obtained a Ph.D. degree in United States at the University of Iowa in 2016, with a focus on Big Data processing with fast Neural Networks called Extreme Learning Machines. Anton is currently a researcher and a teacher for master-level continuous education students at Arcada University. His research includes accelerated and Big Data analytics with Extreme Learning Machines, image analysis and understanding, behaviour profiling for anomaly detection, missing values estimation, visualisation and others. He is the author or co-author of more than 27 journal and conference papers, currently has 225 citations and an h-index of 6.

Selected publications

Akusok, A. et al. Adding reliability to ELM forecasts by confidence intervals. Neurocomputing 232–241 (2017).
Sovilj, D. et al. Extreme Learning Machine for Missing Data using Multiple Imputations. Neurocomputing 174, Part A, 220–231 (2016).
Eirola, E., Akusok, A., Björk, K.-M., Johnson, H. & Lendasse, A. Predicting Huntington’s Disease: Extreme Learning Machine with Missing Values. in Proceedings of the International Conference on Extreme Learning Machines (ELM 2016) (2016).
Akusok, A. et al. ELMVIS+: Improved Nonlinear Visualization Technique Using Cosine Distance and Extreme Learning Machines. Proceedings of ELM-2015 2, 357–369 (2016).
Eirola, E. et al. Extreme Learning Machines for Multiclass Classification: Refining Predictions with Gaussian Mixture Models. in Advances in Computational Intelligence 9095, 153–164 (LNCS, 2015).
Akusok, A. et al. Arbitrary Category Classification of Websites Based on Image Content. IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine 10, 30–41 (2015).
Akusok, A., Björk, K.-M., Miche, Y. & Lendasse, A. High-Performance Extreme Learning Machines: A Complete Toolbox for Big Data Applications. IEEE Access 1011–1025 (2015).
Swaney, C., Akusok, A., Björk, K.-M., Miche, Y. & Lendasse, A. Efficient Skin Segmentation via Neural Networks: HP-ELM and BD-SOM. in (2015).
Akusok, A. et al. MD-ELM: Originally Mislabeled Samples Detection using OP-ELM Model. Neurocomputing 159, 242–250 (2015).
Akusok, A., Miche, Y., Hegedus, J., Nian, R. & Lendasse, A. A Two-Stage Methodology Using K-NN and False-Positive Minimizing ELM for Nominal Data Classification. Cognitive Computation 6, 432–445 (2014).
Cambria, E. & Akusok, A. Extreme Learning Machines [Trends & Controversies]. IEEE Intelligent Systems 28, 30–59 (2013).